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Preschool Philosophy

Linda Vista, Wagner and Bryant Ranch Preschools are small schools with a large purpose: we work to encourage fairness, integrity, and respect for others and the environment. We acknowledge and facilitate the child’s inherent desire to learn. Children are supported in their journey to become self-motivated problem solvers with an abiding curiosity about the world. We are guided by the Reggio Emilia Philosophy and the California Early Learning Foundations and Framework. 

Teaching with Intentionality

Our Preschool educational program and vision is inspired and nurtured by play, where education is viewed not as a product or goal to be attained, but rather as an ongoing process of growing and learning through play, investigation and inquiry.

Preschool Logo

Jump to: Pre-Kindergarten (Not TK) 24-25 PreKindergarten (Not TK) 25-26

Pre-Kindergarten (Not TK) 24-25

PreKindergarten (Not TK) 25-26